Papa's Boy

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I noticed Eli only says mama when he wants milk or he's frustrated (i.e. bored, sleepy and when he's bored because he's sleepy). Tonight I want him to say "mama" while we were horsing around and he's extra jolly.

I was saying "mama" for the 131st time (yes I counted it!), when he suddenly blurted out "papa". I thought it was just a fluke. But then he kept repeating the word "papa" to his heart's content. No coaxing or bribing could change his mind.

Oh well, I guess I have to accept this role early on. Mama the kill-joy (i.e. boring but dependable one). Papa the cool one who's killer smile and laugh I inherited.

K fine! Boys have a natural tendency to band together talaga.


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